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Nutrient enrichment of marshes

We have spent the last ~15 years adding nutrients to salt marshes to see how they respond as part of the NSF Funded TIDE project. Now we are building on that work in a newly funded award: Not all Nitrogen.
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Restoring marsh ecosystem services

Restoring salt marshes often targets bringing back native marsh vegetation, but we are working to understand whether or not that process also restores nitrogen removal
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Controls on marsh carbon storage

Salt marshes are highly productive ecosystems and their ability to store carbon is one way we can help fight the battle against climate change. We are working to understand what controls rates of carbon storage in marsh sediments. 

Genomics of marsh microbes

Microbes rule the world but we know precious little about how these microbes function in coastal wetlands. By reconstructing genomes from metagenomic data, we can learn about the interconnected genetic pathways that regulate their function.

Plant-Microbe Interactions

The interactions among above- and below-ground plant traits, plant species and genotypic diversity, and soil microbes are critically important for both plant success and resulting ecosystem services.

Animal-microbe interactions

Research on the human microbiome has taught us a tremendous amount about animal microbe interactions. Many commercially important marine organisms also have microbiomes. We are working to understand their role in organism health.  
je.bowen (at) northeastern (dot) edu (email)
617.373.3263 (phone)
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